Born in 1985 in Paris. Lives and works in Paris.
Graduated from the Regional School of Fine Arts in Rouen.
Represented by the Valérie Delaunay gallery (Paris).
This project tends towards the same obsession: the grid as a motif inherent in the printing process, and as an uneven surface covered with paint and crossed out, like a frame. My latest works seek to incorporate the photographic material into the painting, through the A4 laser print transfer onto the canvas, using clear acrylic binder. Thus only the ink (toner) remains on the surface of the painting in an accumulation of layers, mixing photographic transfer and painted image, following a game of incessant back and forth. It is about considering the painting as a sensitive surface, and receptacle of gestures and fragmented images. But also to study the tenuous links between painting and photography, figuration and abstraction, mechanical and manual reproduction.