Born in Suresnes in 1957. Lives and works in Paris.
Horitzó is the Catalan name for "horizon". This is the title of a series started in 2016 and which evokes a specific place, a farmhouse, found thanks to Googlemaps. This is a place where “something happened” for a long time. Since my childhood, this silence has surely registered a form of confusion in my mind, but above all it made me take the side of my gaze. Without insisting on the biographical part (my “shadow part” as Ellroy called his), anecdotal, I wanted to deal, for once head-on, with the theme of secrecy and its revelation. Even when I didn't formulate it clearly, everything I did was haunted by this theme, but not limited to it. What the series tends to show, simply, is what the gaze is aimed at, what lies beyond. I wanted to guess what we see (saw?) From the threshold of the house when we turn our backs to it and we stand out: a landscape, which I have never seen "in real life", mountains, which look like folds ...