Born in 1978 in Paris. Lives and works in Paris.
Achim Mohné relies on new digital media and new technologies to try to understand how our perception and our awareness of physical and social space are rethinking. Digital immateriality and virtual corporeality constitute the two research subjects of the series 3D-Google-Earth-Model, started in 2018. These 3D works deal with the relationship between real urban space and its virtual representations, called “avatars”. These retain an illustrative and referential character while switching to a strange, even abstract, digital aesthetic resulting from the recording and translation of the Earth's surface by satellites and drones.
This series of printed sculptures explore methods of 3D display of virtual globes (software that models the Earth in 3D, the first of its kind was Google Earth), which "aesthetically prepare users for future media, such as Virtual Reality or Artificial Reality or Mixed Realities ”, according to art historian Pamela C. Scorzin.
Project created especially for the Tangible Image Biennial 2021 :
Mozilla hub: